Lowering Back Down

Lowering Back to the Base

Okay, you’ve grabbed the big finishing handhold and reached the top of the wall. The rope, which trails straight down 30 feet to your belayer, is looped through a locking steel carabiner or is wrapped around an iron bar. Your arms are burning. You want to come down. But before you slump onto the rope, let your belayer know that you’re ready to come down. You don’t want to lean back on the rope until you’re absolutely sure that you’re being held by your belayer.
You shout down, “I’m at the top! I’m ready to lower.”
Your belayer pulls the rope tight in his belay device. He can feel you on the end of the rope up there, like a fisherman feels a fish on a hook. “Okay, lowering.” He begins letting the rope slowly slide through the belay device, keeping his brake hand on the rope. Be sure not to lower your partner too fast. It’s easy to lose control and drop him to the ground, spraining or twisting an ankle.
You’re back down on the ground. You forearms are tight but you made it. You smile and say, “Wow, that was fun. I wanna go again!”
Now it’s your turn to belay and your partner’s turn to climb.
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