Climbing Safely is Your Responsibility


Climbing is a Dangerous Sport

Climbing is not something to be taken lightly. I warn everyone who wants to climb that every time you go out climbing, whether it be a quick bouldering session, a fun afternoon at a top-rope crag, or a technical scramble up a mountain peak, you or your partners may be seriously injured or die. That’s a fact. An uncomfortable fact, yes, but very true.

This Is Not a Complete Source

Remember that all the information presented here is not a complete source of climbing instruction, it’s only a finger pointing you in the right direction, nor does it provide the experience or knowledge gleaned from personal instruction by a guide or climbing school. Do not depend on any of the information here or any other climbing books or magazines that you read for your personal safety.

Your Safety Depends on You

Your safety depends solely and only on You, no one else. Take responsibility for getting proper climbing instruction in anchors, equipment use, rope handling, rappelling, movement, and all other aspects of climbing by taking classes, hiring a guide for a day, or going out with experienced climbers as their rock apprentice.

Using Good Judgment

Your safety depends on your good judgment. Your judgment is your responsibility. Climbing safety is a lot about judgment—deciding to turn around in bad weather or lightning; backing up bogus anchors; creating redundancy in anchors and climbing systems; climbing with someone who is experienced; and not letting ego dictate the right decisions. Your safety depends on your experience and having a realistic assessment and appraisal of your climbing ability and skills. These include your physical characteristics and overall fitness, your experience, your confidence, your technical ability, and your judgment.

Make Your Own Decisions

Remember that most climbing information is subjective and prone to personal interpretation based on your experience. Climbing routes can be underrated in both difficulty and danger. Information here or what you find elsewhere may be inaccurate, misleading, or just plain wrong. It’s up to you to filter through it all and make your own decisions. It’s all up to you. Exercise your judgment as to where a route goes, whether you’re up to its challenge, and if your experience and ability is enough to safely guard and protect you from the many hazards and risks of climbing.

Hazards and Risks of Climbing

The hazards and risks of climbing include lots of objective danger, including but not limited to:
  • Falling rocks
  • Falling objects
  • Breaking hand- and footholds
  • Your own equipment failure
  • Anchor failure
  • Falling because of technical difficulty
  • Hitting ledges or the ground after falling
  • Incorrect belay technique
  • Inexperienced belayer
  • Failure of fixed protection
  • Absence of fixed protection
  • Lightning and bad weather
  • Avalanche

Hire a Guide to Learn Safe Climbing

You will be safer when you go climbing if you realize the limitations of your knowledge and experience. If you have any questions about climbing, then ask someone. Experienced climbers are always willing to answer questions, give advice, confirm ratings of local routes, and give you extra beta. Take advantage of their expertise. At Front Range Climbing Company, we take many newbie climbers out for intensive instructional sessions so they can learn all the basics of climbing as well as more advanced rope, anchor, protection, belaying, and rappelling techniques. Most climbing areas have guides and instructors available. I highly recommend that if you’re serious about climbing and being safe, that you hire a guide or instructor to learn the ropes and to become proficient in climbing safely. Your life depends on it!

Accidents Happen

If you have any doubts or misgivings about any part of climbing, then do not attempt it. It’s better not to do something than to do something wrong. Accidents happen. That’s life and that’s climbing. Be careful out there on the rocks and peaks and don’t do anything foolish if you want to live long and prosper.
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