Use a Prusik Knot - 3

Third Step to Tie a Prusik Knot

The third step to tie a Prusik knot is to bring the loop of cord back through the girth hitch on the climbing rope two to three more times, forming a barrel with the tail of the cord hanging out from the middle. This is simply done by wrapping the loop of cord through the inside of each previous wrap. After you’re done wrapping the rope, tighten the knot and dress it by carefully arranging all the wraps of cord so they’re next to each other and not crossed.
How many wraps of cord you put on the knot is up to you. Usually three is sufficient. The more wraps you put on, the more the Prusik knot will cinch onto the climbing rope. It’s best, especially if you haven’t used a Prusik knot much, to test the knot by weighting it. If it slips, add another wrap. If it’s too hard to push up the rope, take away a wrap. If you leave the knot a bit loose, it is easier to slide up the rope.

you wrap the loop of cord around the rope two or three more times.
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